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Soft cake is produced by means of premixer, aerator, sheeter.
From the sheet different forms can be formed, layer cake, swissroll cake of just cake slabs to be processed and decorated by the local bakery?
The dough sheet can be plain, chcocolate dough or other texture.

On the dough different products can be applied, creme, jam, marshmallow etc.
Once these products are applied, the dough can be folded, till we get the reall swiss roll.
Or the dough can be divided in strips and then put on each other, to a double or triple layered product.

At the end of the line the swiss roll is cut into the right seize by a guillotine cutter.
Different cutters can be applied depending on the product used on the dough.
For cream and marmelade the mechanically driven cutter can be used for more sticky products the ulrasonic guillotine cutter can be applied.
For special forms of the dough waterjet, free progammable can be used.

ASJO Consultants                       email: info@asjoconsultants.com                                                      Phone: +31 (0) 297 344 050  
                                                                                                                                                              Fax    : +31 (0) 297 343 991